I feel stuck. This is a rut I want to get out of, I have all the beautiful words, It's to give you life. The process to giving a writeup or doing anything at all, to becoming anything is tiring. To think that I have it all planned out yet in the bid of making sure it is constructed well, I have not been able to put things down. I have visited my notebook time and time again and just stared at the pages. Visiting the book and just looking at it has left me with a great burden. Thinking on this introspectively, I have done all that is required, made research even visited my book over and over again and though i have written some things down, nothing really gives off that feel, nothing really hits the way it should. It's not been easy trying over and over again yet not getting it, it's not been easy looking at my notebook and having nothing to write, it's not been easy being up by 4am hoping I would be able to write something yet I have to close the book in frustration, i...