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Showing posts from March, 2023

A Call to Repentance

On what template should growth be measured? Error seeps in at times even with those well meaning in the body of Christ. There are a lot of ways in which growth is communicated, ways that in more ways than one cause segregation. Ways that make you seem greater and the other lesser but who categorises those who are greater or lesser in this kingdom? Jesus. Jesus who said the first will be the last and last first. I do not have any theological explanation for this nor do I require that you write me one. It is a call for you to search your heart. How many times have we(me inclusive) all presented a greater version of ourselves in order to seem perfect? Doesn’t this kill? Putting sins in categories with one being higher than the other. Sex or anything affiliated with it is often regarded as shameful but something like not listening to God is talked of more because it is “normal.” It will not be rejected. Who made this laws? Who set these rules? Who places categories? If we...

Commitment issues? Hah! How preprosterous

On the 8th of March 2023, International Women’s day, I watched a talk on Netflix by Brene Brown titled: “ The Call to Courage.” While listening to all she had to say, I realised that I had an issue with commitment. I was committed to certain things but not fully. I was committed to God but not fully. True, I trusted what He had said and certain things in scripture but I realised that at almost every point in time, I had tried to use logic to explain most of what He had told me. Even personal promises that I had written down. I realised then that I was running from fully committing to God should something happen and He fails. Yes, I know the word of the Lord is true and if He said it, He will do it. You know, I really believe His words in people’s lives. Sometimes, I could even be the one communicating that word to a person or group of people. I just wasn’t sure of His word in my life and if I should really hold onto it, really hold onto His personal promises to me. One thi...

The OPQRSTU model? What is that?!

It’s been a minute.  How have you been?  How has your life been? Have you been taking steps to be better everyday? If yes, how has it been? If No, why? When are you going to start? Think on these things, my friends. While you are thinking on that, I thought to share how I have been doing and what’s been up with me lately; Recently, I began listening to NF. Even right now, I am listening to Hope by NF. A very wholesome music.  I had been thinking of the rawness of some of my writeups prior to learning of him and the songs he wrote. He is very bold and open about what is going on with him in a sort of dark way yet it communicates life. Listening to some of his songs inspired me to keep on writing about my feelings. Why do all this? I do not fully understand but writing is an outlet for me. A very good outlet for a lot of things. In a sense, I also hope to communicate life, to communicate my feelings and encourage those going through the same things. What’s the p...


For thine O Lord art a shield for me.  The glory and the lifter up of my head. Thank you for access, God. Thank you for strength. Thank you for ease. Thank you for grace. Thank you God for loving me and choosing me as I am. Thank you so much for everything. I do not know what to write, I have gotten to this part a lot and erased things I have written before now because I do not feel the sincerity in them.  Do I know what to write now? No. A few things to watch out for however;  • Be emotionally intelligent, mind your emotions. Feel your feelings but don’t let them overwhelm or overpower you. • Take care of yourself and accept love in its purest form. • Life is spiritual. Very. Don’t take everything lightly. • Know God for yourself. Don’t seek Him from others. • Love God earnestly and you will understand what it means to fear Him. • The Bible says the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. It also says perfect love casts out all fear. Both statements are true....