On what template should growth be measured?
Error seeps in at times even with those well meaning in the body of Christ. There are a lot of ways in which growth is communicated, ways that in more ways than one cause segregation. Ways that make you seem greater and the other lesser but who categorises those who are greater or lesser in this kingdom?
Jesus. Jesus who said the first will be the last and last first. I do not have any theological explanation for this nor do I require that you write me one. It is a call for you to search your heart.
How many times have we(me inclusive) all presented a greater version of ourselves in order to seem perfect? Doesn’t this kill? Putting sins in categories with one being higher than the other. Sex or anything affiliated with it is often regarded as shameful but something like not listening to God is talked of more because it is “normal.” It will not be rejected. Who made this laws? Who set these rules? Who places categories? If we are not open and honest with each other, how do we expect to grow? They all take us away from the presence of God.
They are all acts of disobedience and not one of love.
“I can see myself hurting myself but not someone else, it is too great a sin to cause harm to one’s neighbour.” What makes this a “lesser” sin? God said to love your neighbour as yourself. To love yourself, you need to see yourself the way God does. The instant you begin to hurt yourself, it means your view of the person of God is screwed, your view of why He made you is screwed as well. If this is the case, then you have committed a sin of short sightedness. You are more or less telling God that His creation being you is not deserving of life and acceptance.
Who places this hierachy on sins? What makes you better than me? What makes me better than you? Aren’t we all the same in this body of Christ. Should I not hurt when you hurt? Why do you hide your pain because of a seemingly perfect view presented? Who makes these rules? Who?
I am tired of hiding behind religious Christianity.
Why should I present a perfect view to be accepted by you? Jesus is perfect and he said we could be as well but you do not attain perfection by hiding in shame. You do not attain perfection by hiding your scars from those who should benefit from it. Displaying your scars does not make you less of a follower of Christ. If anything, it gives people hope. It makes people feel seen and understood.
Until when will this facade called religious christianity go on? Until when will we reach a place of breaking bread together and sharing in the fellowship of our suffering? Until when? Until when? Is it not enough? Are you not tired of having to appear strong to your own brothers and sisters in the faith so they can accept you or regard you higher? When will all this stop? When will we return to a place of heartfelt worship and communion? When will we sit and cry with other believers in our pain and not continually hide behind the speakings of the Spirit?
Speaking in tongues is good. It is very good for personal edification but till when? When will all this end? When will we reach the fullness of the body of Christ and delight in his suffering? Delight in the suffering of our brethren. Enough of the gossiping. Enough of placing allegations and castigations. Do you not see that is what our Lord Jesus died for? Do you not see? Are your eyesight so dim? Who has deceived you? How long will this cloud rest over your eyes? How long till you go back for redemption? How long?
Oh! Grieve my precious Holy Spirit no more. Let us return and find our God together. Return to fellowshipping as one and drawing from His strength collectively. That my Lord Jesus Christ comes and finds a unified bride. Oh, that His heart is filled with Joy.
Repent! O repent!