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February 2021 - I am in Landmark University! || The Breaking

By now I had said my goodbyes to Distinguished Teenagers through Instagram{(now known as Distinguished Family), an online family I met in the year 2020, it transcended the online platform though} where I was a leader because it was necessary. 

My phone was stolen in the previous month after a church program, Landmark University did not allow phones so there was no biggie about that and no need to get a new phone, I took my elder sister's old phone though in order to be able to communicate on my way to Landmark university, omu-aran, Kwara State.

I arrived to the school on the 2nd of February, 2021 and luckily for me, had someone there to welcome me, The Chairman of the student Council 2020/2021,  Ed Emmanuel courtesy of my elder brother, Elisha Oreunomhe who was the Vice chairman of Student Council 2019/2020 set. I was taken to the medical center with the car(the Student Council body had their car, a jeep, I think) where I was cleared for entrance into the hostel. I gave my phone to the Chairman, Ed Emmanuel that evening.

Landmark University was a standard on its own! Phones were not allowed, our things were checked in by the porters at the hostel entrance and contraband like skirts with stretchy materials were seized(quite a number of my clothes were seized), cooking of noodles was allowed using kettle, ipods and laptops were allowed for reading, the entrance of every building had a huge reception room and the buildings were really tall and impressive, they had just one cafeteria building but sold a lot of things there, the Student Council had a lot of power and had their own offices. The chairman, vice chairman male and female had their own offices as well. 

Landmark was gorgeous! I was sold into the lifestyle of Landmark university, it was a citadel of excellence though we were 4 in a room, it was spacious and there was good wardrobe space. Living in landmark for me was going to be very easy. I had little or no time adjusting and while others complained about the strictness of the school and how it was structured, I saw no problem with it asides some minor things. Everything was comfortable and good for me.

LMU room arrangement was also structured in a way that saved me from a lot of stress, those in the department of agriculture were placed in the same wing of a block, we were 4 in a room but the last roommate had not arrived, I was filled in by my roommates about how classes would be and how soon I should start.

I did not go to school with many things, I was only able to go with some footwear, I didn't know how things would go... the next day, I went out wearing my black sandals that cost only 8k for registration. I walked around and the sandals had a glitch, the under of one of the sandals leg removed, what's more, It was slippery. I could not believe it! The woman who sold it to my mom and I had bragged so much about it being of high quality. Torr!

I began attending classes later that week, attendance was compulsory and it was taken using fingerprint, I had not finished my registration before I began attending classes, without 75% attendance from Hostel, classes and church services, I would not be allowed to write my exam. Hostel check-in time was 9pm and checking in was taken during that period.

I was focused on my school work, was acquainted with a few persons, studied people, went to the Chaiman's office from time to time. Eventually, my eldest sister; Etse sent me some shoes because I didn't really go with many due to the rush in going to the school due to time lost already, I bought books, discovered a malpractice and reported it. All was going well and fine. 

Although I had not yet completed my registration and had some issues due to jamb office not giving me my admission letter, I felt like I was home already, I kept to myself in my room, either reading my school books or other books and was labelled weird by my roommates. I had supple time and there was no social media distraction, I spoke at times too and smiled as required but it was good. It was bliss for the two weeks it lasted.

The next week, I went to the admission office and there the issue began.

~ Omokhuwa.


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