It's been a few quiet weeks,
I hope we've been good during this period, things have been a bit dicey over here, what with school resumption and balancing all aspects of life. God helps us. Amen.
This weekend, we are having a program in my citadel of learning with the theme: "Jesus Rush," this is the seventh year the program, which is majorly targeted towards freshers, is holding and it's my second year attending the program, so far so good, things have been well, it's been powerful! Really powerful.
I will share a few things I have gained from this program here and you make sure you attend next year, should you be in this area next time, do attend.
I learnt about the benefit of light and how light dispels darkness, how? You might ask... well, to answer that question, I would have to revisit an occurrence during day 1 of Jesus Rush...
Pastor Mrs Gladys Nwankwo(the anchor) asked that the light be put off and we should turn on our phone light, #lightup has been a popular thing in the nation of Nigeria for sometime now so a lot of us should be familiar with it, the Holy Spirit explained something to me during this particular lightup though, he opened my eyes, he enlightened me to what was happening and to what could happen should believers come together.
I was seated upstairs and could see everything going on downstairs due to my elevated position, as I looked at my colleagues both downstairs and upstairs, I saw light everywhere, in the darkness, a vast majority of the believers there had their phone flashlight on, this light dispelled darkness and it dawned on me that each believer with their light stood as light, their phone was representing them, it was a symbolism of how they, of how we should be viewed in the kingdom of darkness, everyone being the light spoken of in Matthew 5:14-15.
Later, she(Pastor Mrs Gladys Nwankwo) asked us to turn the light around our body from our head region downward, what I saw next was even more amazing, it was a beauty to behold, as everyone turned their light around them, they illuminated the person next to them, this was what happened to everyone next to another person, so now, they were not just shining as light and dispelling darkness alone, in their own various spots with the light illuminating the room, now, they were being a body.
It struck me what could be done in unity, in love, what could happen should the body of Christ truly act as a body.
Love your neighbour as yourself is the most important commandment after loving God and you see that even this comes with a condition, in order to love your neighbour, you must love yourself, likewise, in order to love yourself, you must love God with everything in you.
You cannot know what love is without Christ.
A lot of things going wrong in the body of Christ now is due to lack of love, love stops nonsense, it covers alllll! Money can only do so much. Love is the currency we use in this kingdom. Unity is the currency we use in this kingdom. Let love and unity abide, o body of believers lest the devil will disguise himself as the angel of light and feasts with us.
Let love and unity abide, Redeemers University, the call is greater, the burden is Christ's which has been laid on you, the harvest has increased, the true labourers are those who let love guide them.
As my mentor, Kelvin Emiantor, would tell me: "Huwa, above all, let love lead" so will I tell you:
Above all, let love lead.
Love covers a multitude of sins. Let love lead. Amen!
Perfect, well formed love casts out fear. Let love lead!
There is nothing to be gained in being a lone ranger and bottling up; open up, be generous, trust and rely on the Lord with all your heart and might.
God helps our hearts.
He gives us the heart of flesh.
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