This would be a public letter to my saviour. Hello Jesus, Recently, you began speaking to me about returning back to a place of deep intimacy and relationship, a place of returning to my first love. I must admit I have fought this a lot, not because I didn't want to return but because I wanted to save you from me. My heart is filled with so much that is not of you, its desires has not been about you lately, it has not revolved around your desires, it has not sought you the way it should, it has turned away and it's a far cry from what it should be so I seek to protect you from this, I understand that love is all encompassing but it seems that I am only beginning to understand how much it covers, how much your love covers my inadequacies. I love you. I do love you, ironical as it may seem. I just don't know how much my heart can take, how much of me I must surrender repeatedly to make you smile, there is a saying that you love me just as I am but I do not know,...