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Lately, light has been interesting to me.

For it seems that the very nature of light is to expose, now I am speaking of physical light. I recall an incident in the hostel where I was with my bucket to go fetch water... On my way outside my block(apartment, in a sense), I was without light physically but there were two ladies who had light by using their phones, this was supposed to give them an advantage. Unfortunately, immediately I stepped out of the block, they exclaimed! Asking how I was able to step out, if I didn’t see a rat. Apparently, they wanted to step into the block with their light but they caught sight of two rats and couldn’t move further. They ran back looking for who they could follow in.

I wasn’t moved by the rat sightings. It wouldn’t be the first time and besides, I saw no rat. They decided that they would wait for me to be done fetching water and follow me in then. I didn’t mind but I thought it funny that they who had the light wanted to use me, who didn’t have the “light” as their defense or cover up. I fetched my water and as I was about leaving, I drew their attention to this fact to which they quickly gathered themselves with their light and hurried in after me, they couldn’t possibly miss their chance. Not now.

I went in leading the way and they followed closely after, they shone their lights and I walked in confidently knowing that even if the rat or rats did show up, the rat and friends will be forced to run to hide. No shocker, there was no rat. It seems as though when they came with their light earlier, the rats ran to the bush or wherever they came from while they ran back to where they started from.

An interesting story, wouldn’t you agree? However, something happened recently that made me think of these girls.

In my room, for two weeks or so now, I have been seeing an interesting creature that hops in the toilet so I am watchful of it anytime I enter. It comes out at night and early mornings. I want to be careful with it and how it is disposed of... how does it get in? You may ask. Well, the drainage is unfortunately opened and no attempt has been made to close it despite complaints being made repeatedly to the school authorities. They have been working, I will give you that however, this particular issue or complaint has been pending for about 5-6 months now. I really do need help regarding this.
This frog or toad has been hopping around in my bathroom after kerosene was poured in the toilet and I like to shine light on things or creatures I might not really like so I can act whenever the case arises. What I saw however was why I entered the bathroom tentatively whenever I was going in, my roommates often entered boldly sometimes without light too and did what they wanted. It was quite interesting.

If it was a cockroach, I hate those things so killing it wouldn’t be an issue provided I am the only one there to handle it. I can be quite funny at times because if I know there is someone I can shift the killing to, I will do it so well, doing the things soft and gentle ladies do well. Screaming and whatnot. I cannot be stressed or bothered to kill these things when there is someone else who can or would.

I only engage in the killing when they decide to not have sense and come close to me. I meannn. Okay. Okay. Okay. I am getting to the main thing.
Something dawned on me recently. The fact that inasmuch as light exposes, there still needs to be capacity to take on whatever that light exposes. 


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